

What is NVIM?

The Vim editor is a successor to the vi editor found on the original UNIX. As a fork of Vim, Neovim is an editor that aims to improve the quality of life for all developers, better than Vim.

Why use NVIM?

  • Project maintenance and feature improvements: Vim codebase is less maintainable compared to Neovim; and compared to Vim Language, NeoVim uses Lua which is easier to read and write.
  • Code auto-completion (LSP): Neovim ships with out-of-box support for LSP and uses Lua for further configuration.
  • Support for better plugins: With an actual programming language, this configuration is comparatively easier than Vim.

How to install NVIM

  • If you are using ArchLinux, just run sudo pacman -Syu neovim.
  • If you are using Ubuntu, follow the steps:
    1. Download NVIM appimage with latest version.
    2. Install fuse by sudo apt install -y fuse.
    3. Run chmod u+x nvim.appimage && mkdir ~/bin && mv nvim.appimage ./bin/nvim

NVIM-based configurations

Pick up one of the top NVIM framework.

I use LunarVim and the configurations are as below, managed by dotfiles for syncing. See: